Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Zombie Apocalypse Survival Kit

  1. Military-style backpack (lots of pockets to hold all the stuff below)
  2. First-Aid kit (although, if you get bit/scratched, you’re probably a goner already)
  3. MREs or other compact food supplies (you’ll still have to eat… until you’re converted or you're dead)
  4. Canteen, for water (you might be in hiding for several days before getting to water)
  5. Iodine (to cleanse the water of potential zombie virus)
  6. Magnetic induction, shake flashlight (LED preferable, zombies hate LEDs!)
  7. Mirror (to check for breath… no breath = zombie)
  8. Good running shoes (zombies aren’t slow like in the movies, you’ll be running a lot)
  9. Bullet Proof Vest (let’s face it, bullets are going to be flying when chaos erupts)
  10. Machette (Axes, while effective, are much too unweildy – aim for the head)
  11. Flare Gun (as a last ditch effort to signal for help)
  12. Deck of cards (you’ll need something to do while you’re in hiding)
  13. Caffiene pills (so you can stay awake in dangerous areas)
  14. Bleach (to mask the smell of your blood – zombies can track blood for miles!)
  15. Change of clothes (you’ll need to change into something while washing out the blood)
  16. Night vision goggles (so you can see the zombies at night, obviously)
  17. One or more guns (I’ll cover this later…)

    I many have overlooked something. Any other suggestions?


Anonymous said...

I'm not to sure, but i think im the first to comment on ur page. Any way, in reference to the survival kit. A bullet proof vest is not what you need, suer bullets will be flying, but unless your covered in bloody running and screaming (like a zombie) you wont get shot. Best thing to do is stay away from gun fights all together, or at least wait untill they have been over come and pilfer the weapon.

Another thing, running shoes? big no no, sure you'll be running alot, but running shoes are not designed for extreme work, as far as water, dirt, blood, climing ect. My advice, go for a military style boot. Pro's - Light, durable, black, ( I find most runners have reflectors on them and are generally white, not good for hiding) they look awesome and you'll almost never have to get rid of them.

Now, night vison is a good idea, but they require power, and the chew power like no tomorrow, so unless you got a butt load of batteries lying around, night vison is pretty useless. fair enough there will be plenty of stores around with batteries, but u never no.

my advice for clothing, military clothing with motorcycle armour, not everyone can get full body armour ( like here in australia, it is illegal to own body armour unless ur a cop or something) motorcycle gear is easy, relatively cheap and light. and replaceable panels. Military wear is generally thick, which will save you from clawings whilst trying to climb a fire exit or something. and the armour will stop bites on east targets, eg. legs, arms. the added benifit or the armour, it will boost your size significantly, so any other would-be survivours that might want to take advantage of you will think twice.

Also a change of clothes will take up valuble room especially if you have to leave in a hurry. Your best bet is to get one of those tatical vests or hunting bum bag things. already loaded and ready to go, and a back pack can get in the way and get caught on things really easy.

I sugest also adding a 4x4 in there if u dont have one.. tray back, raised, diesle, bull bar the works. When the shit hits the fan, you dont want to be making any stops untill ur outta town, a 4x4 you can load up ready to go and leave it for years ( only if it is diesle, petrol engines have a tendancy seize if you leave them to long. But diesles have the added bonus of being beter enconomically and easier to come by and the 4x4 will be a long range tank)

Anyway, i like some of the stuff you got in here, its good to see someone taking a zombie apocalypse seriously. I pray for that day.

email me on
so we can discuss things further.

P.S i know the email address sounds kinda dicky.. i've had it for about 12 years and havent bothered to change it.

The names luke, but ppl call me Hellmore. Look forward to chatting to u soon.

Anonymous said...

sorry, i ment first to comment on this section.. lol

saquanem said...

This is some great news, some people dont believe and will be running for help when the time comes, yea we need to have like a group chat on a instant message one day

Anonymous said...

I agree with everything you said, I do believe and don't find it foolish.the reason why is look at our economy in America and our dirty water, Take a look at the movie The Crazies I mean it was through the water supply and nobody paid attention and were turned into zombie/crazy people! It was a very realistic movie and could ACTUALLY happen.This is alot of letters,so I'm gonna stop,but anyways I like what you said lol.

Anonymous said...

im glad to see people taking this seriously, a lot of people dont believe and think im crazy, cmon im 15. ALOT of unprepared people and non-believers will die/suicide the Zombie APocalypse IS a high POSSIBILITY because of science, testing, drugs, biochemical weapons gone wrong, etc. i tried to get the word out in my school to my friends but only a couple and i mean like 2 or 3 actually believed me and made a real detailed survival plan
im saddened to say but the other non believing friends will unfortunatley die because they are unprepared. im in New York ( the state not the city) and im very prepared for this and i have made a plan with my friends to flee the town of Wappingers Falls immediatley to avoid the overall population and flee to the Catskills to rendezvous with another relative who has a weapons cache then go to the Addirondacks to avoid contamination and possibly sealed off borders and states if you want to chat further with me my Facebook is Shaun Milewski my pic is me with a hood on and hair in my face with a kind of serious look on my face my Youtube is Shawny142
looking foward to chatting with the believers!

Anonymous said...

Pretty good list to pick and choose from...

Anonymous said...

I would love to know your reasoning for why zombies supposedly hate LED lights. And although mirrors are a good signaling tool, I wouldn't reccommend getting within biting range to find our whether or not it's a zombie. That's better done at a distance. Furthermore, running shoes are made with mesh. They would not keep your feet warm in any slightly cold climates, and even though they are made to wick small amounts of sweat, they are not going to keep your feet dry. Plus, the lack of ankle support is borderline dangerous if you're in terrain that lacks suburban sidewalks. Also, zombies are DEAD. This means that when they exert themselves to run, the tears in their muscles will never heal, and every time they move they will become slower and weaker. After one day of running, most zombies will be restrained to a walk. After a week, most won't even be on their feet. Good work on your plan so far, but it needs work.

LP said...

I totally agree with the body armor. Only issue that I can think of is that if won't do any good against high powered rifles. You have the added bonus of its protection from shrapnel though. He might have something on the boots. It might be best to go full combat dress like we did in the Marine Corps, stay in small tight groups with specific fields of fire. Of course, that would be a call to make later. Would it be possible to fortify a specific position within an infected area or would we moving towards a safe zone? Might have to travel light. 4x4 is a good idea but I'm thinking I'd rather find the closest armory with a tank.

Unknown said...

Running Shoes: aren't as durable as combat boots or some form of tactical boot.
Deck of cards: adds weight to your pack that you have to carry. just surviving will be activity enough when "in hiding" best not to let your guard down.
1)gunna say ditch the MRE's
freeze dry food or the "can method" reduces the water weight of food and it has a 25yr shelf life, Lighter and uses less room. cans are reusable so you already have a sustainable resource;)
2)ditch the canteen for a water bag
water bags can release the air from themselves so their is no sloshing noise when on the move;)
3)ditch the flare gun
firing that bad boy will signal to every zombie within a 25 mile radius, "DINNERS READY!!"... and any survivor will realize this and quickly head in the other direction. not to mantion you have to carry flares!! adding weight to your pack.
18) magnesium fire starter kit
gunna get cold when all the heat turns off and dark when the lights go out. odds are you won't be very adept at using a bow drill or another form of primitive fire starting tech.
19) Combat Knife
man best friend since he could "flintmap", your gunna find a use for this, trust me.;)
20) a visqueen
a plastic sheet allows you to make a "sun still" to produce water in the event you run out.

Sivart said...

i agree im stocked up on food mostly canned food plus i have several weapons mainly pistols and a few ak 47s but im in need of survival gear hit me up email is

Anonymous said...

I just bought a compound bow and crossbow! Guns are loud and will attract more zombies, they follow noise! And also you will run out of bullets, arrows are reusable! A pick axe to pop them in the head might work too! CB radio and walkie talkie to communicate with others. I have much more but most is self explainitory!

Anonymous said...

You are gonna need a gas mask to prevent from getting exposed when the CDC releases the weaponized virus! I never thought about but I watched the show "walking dead" and it made me think!

keith said...

Hey I like it all up to night vision dude your on the right track but hey I found if you keep your eyes opened long enough you can almost see as well as you can in the day time. Hit me up bro and let me be your guide I have the answers

Anonymous said...

hey i have a small resistence for whenn the appocolypes happens but we could use more people and suggestions. i have a page on facebook. zombie rebels my name is jessie pedro the other admin is my man zach

Hammer4711 said...

ok, i totally agree with the whole motorcycle jacket thing. mostly because, if i were to become a zombie, i wouldn't want my best-friend/partner-in-killing to have to waste a whole bunch of ammo on my dead body, just to pierce the armor. wear lightly to prevent claws, but not bullets. this is for everyone!

Anonymous said...

wether you have alergies or not youll want to have an adrenalin shot, and even though its illegal now, youll need some serious hardcore drugs.

Anonymous said...

hey im only 14 but i think this stuff is so cool i mean im a boyscout and i have a hard enough time talking about scouts at school but the one guy that posted earlier this year jeez u talked to people about the zombie apocalypse! that is so brave of u.
also another thing u guys should think about is putting tylenol and other pills in your kit but put a cottonball in the pill bottle to lessen noise and also u should think about buying at least a molle vest and pack and maybe a thigh rig.
also i reccomend buying cold steel knives and machetes. if u guys ever want to email me my email is: also i have a youtube channel called wilderness101expert and this halloween i will make a zombie apocalypse vid

Eric said...

First off, Why don't ghouls like LED's? If it annoys them, it's gonna kill you unless you kill it first. And Iodine won't stop Solanum. I agree with the guns, though. Machette: heir to the throne of the King weapon of the zombie apocalypse. The King: crowbar. It can kill z's in 1 blow to the head and can also pry open doors if you're surrounded by zombies and the door won't budge. The list is missing a few things, but otherwise it's good.

Anonymous said...

I just read an article about some scientists who created the "Rage Virus" from the movie 28 days later, and it tested successfully on rats. The worst part of it is, it is transmitted by bites. Zombie Apocolyse is already starting. The virus is already among us. Funny thing about this is that it suppossedly happened about 20+ years ago in Haiti.

Anonymous said...

Wth?! why are you using guns?! do you want to attract them?!

They might be dead, but i'm sure they're able to register vibrations in the air, which would allow them to sense a gun being shot.

and if scientist are starting that...KILL THEM first. then it won't spread.

Seriously, no guns. Grenades to throw away to distract them while you hightail it away on Bikes. Trust me. Normal bikes, 18, 21 speed bikes. if you're using a motorcycle or Four wheeler, you're my distraction while I go the other way. got it?

Don't be stupid and use things that make a lot of noise. Buck up, grab some Leather armor to cover up, get a helmet and go all Barbarian on their asses. See you in the end, if you don't use noisy Sh!t.

Anonymous said...

hey dude, yeah i believe the appocolypse is gunna happen. but you forgot to add the fact that a little bit of bleach will also purify the water source you have if needed. so be sure to have some bleach for water if you have to get it from a pond or wherever dirty

the shady minded said...

i love to here other people around the world have bean talking about this im glad me and my friends arnt alone but all i have to say is there are strength in numbers so a team is an absolute must. one of the reasons if you were takeing on a hord and you had just your self you have to run like hell but if you hav e a team the more peoplr you have the better the chance of survival hey hit me4 up on facebook im tom heavner and my email is see you soon good luck for survival!!!! have fun

the shady minded said...

i have to say though that guns are an absolute must though because im hightailing it and just one thing that zombies are dumb but they surtenly know when there is food around so i say go for the guns but just make sure you know you'r way out and keep bucled up zombies may be dumb but they will learn. acouple more things you ar4e going to have to need a team because you WILL go insane if you have no one to talk to and hell you should find a girl\guy cause who the hell is going to repopulate the world if there are one guys fighting. lets just say im going to have a blast i have been waiting on this day for my whole life and btw if your 15 just think you got time and some other people dont. babys if they grow up living in a world that is legitamently hell they will come out toatal bad asses and yeah they are going to make a hell lot of noice just make sure your always movie nad never ever stay in one spot for more that 1 year move the fuck around for god sakes oh and the bike is a dumb ass idea i zombie could just wip you off of that thing in a second you will be on the ground and most likely in pain what the hell are you going to do then cause you are now that zombies dinner and you cant react to that cause you arent going to see it comeing zombies will learn and will hide climb and beable to track your ass down from 5 miles away even if you dont make a sound you breath you fart you take shits you have to pee and burp. and just think you have to break habbits before this shit bappens cause i think its going to happen pretty damn soon so im grabbing whats left of my friends and im high taling it out of there asap. cause if you dont have things like a batery a knife armour water bleack a food suply probaly from beforethe first indident was found. you need to make fires a way to preserve food cook food distill water keep your mind off thatyour lifeis now infact a living hell you will need to have a change of cloths you will need to have something to carry water in that is infact not going to degrade or fall apart on you if your useing it for 10+ years. hell im only 15 and i got alot more knoege than most of you your definintly going to need duct tape plastic tools a crowbar something that you love to do you will need to exersize and get out of the car or off the bike because your going to get tired. so that bring that your going to lneed some pillows blankets some type of light sorse that isent an energy waister your going to have to find some way to see if there is anyone else out there and if you have a team you will need a radio to see if they are still alive your going to need something to take awway the stress so email me if you got time on your hands at shadymind101@AOL.COM cause im getting ready ps lay off on the mc donalds if you relie on alcohal your dead so see you on the other side if you guys will at least put some time in on this and think about whatyou will need to fackter in that you do every day and you cant stop it can you run can you atleast walk a mile with out getting tired think people think

Anonymous said...

You say people need weapons ducttape plastictools. You need punctuation.

havnoname2 said...

quick! name 5 things you would take with u in the room you are in at the moment. email me @ with your answer or other questions

havnoname2 said...

the CDC has a guide on what to do in case of zombie apocalypse. why would the gov't have a page on what to do in case of zombies? my friend thinks that the govt are trying to engineer a virus. I dont like it

Anonymous said...

first i wud get guns you can run and shoot at same time i wud get hand grenades and fast car if. uve seen zombieland or shan of the dead zombies only come wen they hear sound also i wud get ur freinds guy/girl and always be in a group 2 take chances if u need to jump out of ur car cuz there's zombies in it do it 3 beware of anywhere ur alone 4 always check back seat of car 5 if u get bitten go away from eveeryone 6 watch ur surroundings if theres a huge fence dont clim it 7 find a safe spot go to military base or hunting shop to find guns and if their loud get a silencer

the unknown said...

zombies may or might not be real and how do we know for sure if u have to kill them by disabling the brain for all we know they could only be killed by a chemical we dont want to be hasty and beleave everythin we see on T.V

Anonymous said...

All of theses ideas are so kool, I'm a hardcore believer ..agree with MC jacket. Boots. Molle pack vest and thigh rig...but everyone forgets the duffel bag of tools ..bolt cutters. Jimmy bars. Medium sledge hammer ..its alot of extra weight ..but form a group and have everyone carry something useful like a Delta squad.

Anonymous said...

I'm also believe that zombies true or not...u destroy anythings brain it should stop moving!

AlexisTurk said...

my fiance and i have been building a kit litgtle by little for awhile now. we prety much have everything downpacked. i carry "light" things and he carries the "big" bag. lots of pockets is great i have a not too small bag tht holds everything we need including my camel back in the bag and clothes and safty stuff plus weapons. we have even made some for my siblings. we exp[lain they are "bug out bags" for just in case ya know? they watch the walking dead so they know what we are talking about and they give good ideas and get involved. just saying id rather have as many p;eople on my side then on the other....

Alphawolf95 said...

I love all the things being said here. Running shoes aren't really the best way to go, but combat boots are durable and can last for a lot longer than your average shoe. and I would definitely get molle vest and a military pack with a CAMELBAk pocket, probably with a 2 to 5 liter camelbak resevoir. and make sure that Pack has MOLLE attachments so that way you can throw extra stuff on there if you have to. and I would not go gun in anyway unless maybe a .22 pistol or rifle. Because if you run out of arrows, what are you going to do? and I would have to disagree with the machete, they are unweildly weapons that can bend just as easily as cut through something, plus, they're not really meant for cutting, they are meant for bushwacking. If anything, you should most definitely have a ninjato or short sword, as well as a decent sharpener to keep a razors edge on it.

Anonymous said...

the sword, which i have more than a few, would certainly be a priority weapon with my pistols as back up. The motorcycle armor is a good idea but some are stiff and hard to move around in, so know what you are getting. The boots are a great idea, you never know what kind of terrain you might encounter...a few socks would be ideal too...wouldn't want to get gangreen. A water filtration system that is mobile would be choice. Where ever you rest or hold up, always know your way out!

Beth said...

my fiance and i have been building a kit litgtle by little for awhile now. we prety much have everything downpacked. i carry "light" things and he carries the "big" bag. lots of pockets is great i have a not too small bag tht holds everything we need including my camel back in the bag and clothes and safty stuff plus weapons. we have even made some for my siblings. we exp[lain they are "bug out bags" for just in case ya know? they watch the walking dead so they know what we are talking about and they give good ideas and get involved. just saying id rather have as many p;eople on my side then on the other.... \

Shane said...

sorry, i ment first to comment on this section.. lol

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Ryan Zombie said...

Nothing like being prepared for anything. A Zombie Apocalypse may or may not happen, but when it does, I will be glad to have some survival kits on hand to survive that event.

It might not be a Zombie virus but a viral epidemic might do the same damage.

Anonymous said...

My reasoning is that if and when a zombie apocolypse happens you will die eventually so why not kill as many as you can i would love if this happened