Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Did Ted Kennedy Know Too Much?

Senator Kennedy's passing is indeed quite sad but I question the timing.

As a major proponent of health care reform in the US Senate, no one knew the large pharmaceutical companies like Kennedy. The question is, did he know too much?

As the partnership between Big Pharma and the US Government grows in anticipation for Z-Day, many of leaders will be having second thoughts. They will be tempted to speak out, to warn us, or to try and escape the pending Zombie Apocalypse themselves.

Was Teddy Kennedy ready to speak out? We'll never know. What we do know is that there is no medically accepted cause for brain cancer. What better way for Big Pharma to eliminate risk!

Sure, he could have "accidentally slipped in the tub" or "been mugged" but that would have raised doubts. No one is the slightest bit suspicious of Kennedy's death and focus will be shifted to morning the loss rather than learning the truth of his untimely death.

As we get closer and closer to Z-Day, I wonder how many other leaders will die of mysterious and unknown causes?

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