Friday, August 21, 2009

What does a math professor know about Zombies anyway?!?!

Robert Smith, a math professor from the University of Ottawa, claims that humans could win in a "Zombie War". According to Professor Smith, the key to victory is - "the army moves in, and they start just destroying the zombies. So they cut off the heads, they shoot the brains, and they basically take out the zombies in a series of attacks"...

Oh, is that it? Just rely on the army!? Great game plan. Remind me not to hide next to you when the zombies show up.

You might want to take a trip to the video store, Professor Smith, and rent a fun little film called "28 Days Later". You might change your tune...

(Screenshot above courtesy of "28 Days Later" from DNA Films.... While you're at it Professor Smith, how about asking the army to use napalm as well? Then you'll have pissed-off, flaming zombies after you!)


Johnny Madrid aka Tim E. said...

Hahaha, great blog. I'll be following it from now on. Keep up the good work!

Zombie Apocalypse said...

Thanks, Tim! Appreciate the comment.

Cinema Obsessed said...

Lovin' the blog. Hilarious, keep it up!